Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What to write in a birthday card...

What to write in a birthday card

Send happy birthday wishes with these message ideas from Hallmark writers

By Keely Chace

When it comes to signing birthday cards, there are people who have no problem picking up a pen and adding a warm, personal message. Then there are the rest of us—the inspiration-challenged—who sometimes have trouble getting beyond “Happy Birthday.” Wherever you fall on that inspiration spectrum, we have ideas to help you bulk up, mix up and spice up what you write.

Hallmark writers offer birthday-message tips and inspiration organized by what you want to say, how much you want to say, whom your card is for, and more.

To Child

If you don’t like to write a lot on a birthday card, then send more cards to kids, because even those who have learned to read are often too excited to sit through a very long message. Just keep it short, sweet and fun, and your card will be a hit with the birthday kid.


·         “[7] Years awesome! That’s you!”

·         “All hail the birthday princess! Have a royally sweet [5th], [Ella]!”

·         “Yay! You’re [4] today! Love you, big [4]-year-old!”

·         “Happy Birthday to our new favorite [6]-year-old!”

·         “[Colette], you’re getting to be such a big [girl]! Happy [3rd] Birthday, Sweetheart. We love you!”

·         “[Elliott]! How can you be [9] already? Why, just yesterday, you were [8]. Oh, well. Have a happy one, birthday boy!”

·         “[Tyler], I’ve got a feeling you’re going to make a pretty amazing [11]-year-old. Happy Birthday!”

·         “Hope this whole exciting year of being [13] kicks off with a very fun, very happy birthday!”

Writing tip: Some adults might not want to be reminded of their new age, but kids will love seeing that you know exactly how old they are now! If it’s not already printed on the card, be sure to write the birthday kid’s age somewhere in your message.

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