Monday, September 14, 2015

Grandparent's Top 3 Family Traditions to Share with their Grandchildren!

Grandparent’s Top 3  Family Traditions to Share with their Grandchildren!

  Family traditions can help your connection with your grandchildren and provide structure and a framework for bonding. They also generate anticipation for this fun and meaningful time together. The following are the top three family traditions that are bonding grandchildren to grandparents. 

1.) Tour a new baseball park each summer with your grandchildren. 

This is a great time to spend with your grandchildren.  You can plan all year and select a new destination each summer.  If you would like to keep the cost down select a minor league game instead of a major league game.

2.) Complete your Family Tree in the book "Meet Bradykin’s Family!

Children tend to value a connection to family roots.  This is a great activity to start with school aged children.   The book can be purchased for $8.95 at This family tree chart records the ancestors from whom you directly descend in a traditional family tree format, suitable for sharing and a wonderful book keepsake.

3.) Volunteer at local nonprofits or give back to your community. 

You can introduce volunteering at an early age.  Collecting items for a local food pantry or visiting local firehouse or police stations and dropping off cookies help the grandchild bond with their community. 

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